Enduring Hope with Christina and Scott MacIntyre
Blind American Idol alum Scott MacIntyre and his wife Christina know that hope is found in the hardest of times. No matter what you’re facing, the right perspective can change your life. Say goodbye to fear and discouragement, and find faith in the promises of God!
Podcasting since 2021 • 93 episodes
Enduring Hope with Christina and Scott MacIntyre
Latest Episodes
Ears to Hear
The moment we hear the good news and accept Jesus as Lord, our lives are transformed, and we begin to see God at work all around us.
Episode 93

Commissioned by God
News this good has to be shared! Let's tell the world of the treasure which has been revealed to us and sing glory to God in the highest.
Episode 92

God's Way
It may not be what we expect, but it is the sure path. Instead of living for the world, live like Joseph did - for the one who gave his very life for you.
Episode 91